Monday, November 13, 2006

"You should write a book!"

"You should write a book!"

If I only had a dollar for every time someone has said that to me!

Unfortunately it's not safe for me to write a book about my children's and my experience at the moment, and it has been tearing me apart to know what I know about children's and women's experience of violence in the home and not be using my experiential knowledge and research to make a difference for children and women ... so this is a step towards that ... this is what it is safe and possible to do at the moment. Ethically I needed to do something to share what I know to try and make children and women safer ... but how was I to do that without endangering my own children and myself? This blog has become the solution for the time being. Maybe I will be able to connect with more women and share encouragement, enablement and resources ... while at the same time encouraging, inviting and challenging those who have the responsibility to ensure our safety to do so.

Thank you to all those involved with computer and software design and manufacture, and to the technically savvy people at Sharing your skills and knowledge makes a difference for many people searching for a safe and accessible way to communicate with the world, people who want to connect, to participate, celebrate, encourage, inspire, educate and ruminate!

What I hope is that one day ... one day soon ... it will be safe for me to write "the book". That I'll be able to share the details of what I hope might become assessable work for academic accreditation. Then I will be allowed to know what I know! Maybe that will help me be one step closer to being part of being able to make a difference in our world.

I am very grateful to my much more internet and computer savvy friends who encouraged me to start this blog and directed me to useful resources. Thank you very much!

Take care ... take heart .... Merinda

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