Sunday, November 19, 2006

"I have a dream ..."


“I have a dream … "

It must have been a wonderful experience for Martin Luther King Jr to address his community and his country, speaking from the heart these familiar words “I have a dream …”. He dreamt of all people experiencing justice , equality and peace.

So do I!

My children and I used to have dreams ….

We dreamt of travelling together and writing a book about our experience, one child wanted to do the interviewing, another volunteered to play with all the children we met and another was eager to be the photographer … and they happily (and conveniently for them) decided that … Mummy could do all the rest. This dream was partly inspired by Helene Tremblay’s series of books - “Families of the World”.

Another one of our dreams was to have our own business - a book store/coffee shop. One child dreamt of starting classes for women on how to fix things, another wanted to make all the muffins and one child decided this would be a great venue for them to be a singer and entertainer … and of course Mummy could…do all the rest!

Now my dreams are different … see earlier post “Letter to the Prime Minister”

“There are many things I look forward to when I dream of my children and I returning home to Australia; safety, security, especially time with family and friends, the scent of gumtrees, kookaburra’s laughter, cricket in the backyard with all the relatives at Christmas, roast lamb, pavlova, a nice cup of tea on the back veranda with my parents, radio commentators who say “you beauty”, being in my home town were everyone greets you, taking my children to the art galleries and the Australian Museum. Maybe we could go in the “City2Surf” fun run together or join the enthusiastic cyclists for the Great Victoria Bike Ride and see how many of the Twelve Apostles are still standing? With my siblings and their families we could go on adventures to the amazing places featured in the Australian Geographic. We could participate in “Clean Up Australia Day” and volunteer with Mission Australia. I dream of sharing with them the delights of bushwalking and camping, surfing and sailing! Wouldn’t it be something for me to be able to take my children to see the world champion “Opals” play basketball?”

Despite all that I have experienced I still dare to dream of the possibility of my children and I experiencing justice, equality and peace and returning safely to Australia, of all people, all children, all women experiencing justice, equality and peace.

Take care … take heart … Merinda.

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