Monday, November 13, 2006

What's in your toolbox?


In my attempt to bring the best possible me to face the challenge of trying to resolve the traumatic situation my children and I and many other children and women have experienced I did some personal research. I asked successful people whose values I respected and whose passion for their work inspired me (and made me a little envious and curious) about the skill sets, knowledge bases, tools or learnings that had contributed to their success.

Commonly, the reason they were passionate about their work was they had made a commitment to themselves to only work with organisations and in positions they were passionate about .... they were "following their dream" in real life!

This is a work in progress but here is some of the information these people were good enough to share with me ....

Tools, skill sets, learnings...

Emotional Intelligence
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Edward de Bono .... Six Thinking Hats, Lateral Thinking
Five Pillars of Leadership .... Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner www.
Meditation or some form of reflective practice
Intuition ... connecting with and respecting inner wisdom
360 Degree Feedback
Scenario Planning .... Creating Strategic Scenarios
Facilitation, Group Process and Communication Skills
Values based leadership
Sincere love of people
Sense of humour
Reading Jim Collins "From Good to Great" and Paulo Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
Reading Lillas and Rick Hatala's "Integrative Leadership"

Thanks to every one who listened to my question and gave me a sincere and thoughtful answer.

I look forward to seeing what other people might add to this list....

Take care ... take heart .... Merinda

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