Monday, November 13, 2006

How many politicians does it take to protect innocent & vulnerable children & women?

Weary greetings....

After waiting several weeks to get a response to my communication with the Prime Minister's Office ( see post titled "Dear Mr Prime Minister) the communication copied below was emailed to many M.P.s and Senators from the main political parties on the 16th October 2006.

"Dear ... ,

Please find copied below information titled “Canadian Nine ?!” that was emailed to the Prime Minister’s Office and acknowledged received there on Monday, 25th September 2006. As yet I have not received any response to the information my communication contained.

What I am hoping to find is someone who can help me understand why a government that is so quick to threaten political excommunication and withdrawal of aid from Papua New Guinea because of PNG’s assistance to Mr Julian Moti who is accused of sexual abuse of a Vanuatu girl, can at the same time choose to finance a foreign jurisdiction ( a province in Canada) that they know condoned and rewarded the physical, emotional and sexual abuse of an Australian woman by one of their own citizen’s.

In 1999 the government first received copies of letters from objective professionals (a doctor, social worker with a domestic outreach program, counsellor and an international expert on child witnesses to domestic abuse) expressing their concern for my children’s and my safety, and also addressed to the provinces Justice Department regarding the danger and inappropriateness of the justice department’s employee having misrepresented the information in court thereby withholding and negating their professional concerns about the abuse my children and I had experienced.

For the sake of my family and all Australian children and women prevented from returning to family, safely, security and the blessings of life in Australia by abusive former spouse’s and jurisdictions that condone and reward that behaviour are you available or do you know someone who is available to speak up on our behalf?

At this time last year the government was pressured to provide resources for and bring back to Australia in time for Christmas with their family someone with 158 convictions for criminal activities. Last year they chose him over us. Surely this year I can find someone who believes that if there are sufficient resources for convicted criminals then there must be sufficient concern and resources for innocent Australian children and women who have been the victims of criminal activities? Isn’t it time? Who will challenge, encourage and assist the public and the government to make this Christmas the season, for a change, where vulnerable children and women are given priority.

Sincerely, "

... Accompanying this communication was a copy of "Canadian Nine" correspondence forwarded by email to Prime Minister John Howard, 25th September, 2006 ... see blog entry "Dear Mr Prime Minister .... ". So far only one of the many people I forwarded that information to has responded. I will share the subsequent information I shared with her in another post.

Take care .... take heart .... Merinda

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