Sunday, September 23, 2007

Leading with heart...

Leading with Heart

Leadership is Relationship – With Oneself and With Others

Principles of Relationships

Experience Oneness: Strive to experience the interconnectedness of life; cultivate a unifying and abundant heart.

Be Compassionate: Love one another; develop an unconditionally loving and caring heart.

Connect to Inner Wisdom: Take the time you need to pause, reflect and introspect; grow a wise heart.

Live in the Present Moment: Live in the now- not in the past, not in the future, but in the peaceful present; find your peaceful heart.

See the Good: Look for the good, even in difficult situations; develop a positive, hopeful heart.

Practice Radical Honesty: Tell the truth and by doing so, seek to create a truthful heart.

Live by the Golden Rule: “Do to others what you want done to you”; develop a giving and forgiving heart.

Be Grateful and Appreciative: Be grateful for all you have; cultivate an appreciative heart.

Keep Your Word: Maintain all agreements impeccably and with integrity; foster an integral heart.

Choose Full Responsibility: Become fully responsible and accountable for all your decisions; create a responsible heart.

Commit to Lifelong Learning: Learn from both micro and macro life events; cultivate a reflective heart.

The Twelfth Principle: With an open heart and a spirit of truth-seeking investigation, decide for yourself what the twelfth principle might be.

Used with permission by Lillas Hatala (excerpt from Integrative Leadership 2005) .

Thank you Lillas for sharing wisdom and encouragement.

Take care ... take heart ... Merinda.

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